If you want a supplies list. Go and check out my DIY Concrete Countertop post. There's a detailed list there. I don't want to repeat myself here, but I will add the changes that were made.
Changes to the supply list:
- no dye (we used a white cement mix)
- we added bags of gravel and sand
Here's a pic of the white concrete mix.
This time Joel's brother, Brandon came out to help. Thanks B! I think he actually quite enjoyed himself and has been talking about making his own concrete countertops eventually. And we will be there helping him if ever decides to do it. (It makes me happy that he's using that little kiddie scoop too..hehe!)
Here's the consistency that you want.
Wish I could apply sound affects to this blog post. Imagine with me if you can...
Joel troweling it all in nicely.
After approximately 2 hours of work. The finished product...for now.
This mixture set WAY faster than the other one we used. So I think after 2 days Joel flipped it over. Then that following weekend he started sanding it. There was no need to fill anything this time b/c this mixture set perfectly with no bubbles. It was all so smooth.
Then it took us awhile to wrangle up 5 of our guy friends to help us bring in our now 500+ lb. countertop. Just a little tricky finding everyone free on the same afternoon. But 2 weeks later...
Tight squeeze through the doorway and up the stairs.
Then they needed a respite. They were all sweating profusely after that jaunt up the stairs.
Thank you to Justin Pankratz, Terry Wills, Brandon Huber, Gord Dickson (Joel's boss), & Chad Riggins for lending us your muscles. Also thanks to all of our friends and family who were willing to help out but because of one thing or another just couldn't make it. We appreciate every single one of you!
Here's the BEFORE: (with the plywood that I had grown to hate) (also this before picture is a bit deceiving..the plywood was definitely smaller and did not extend all the way to the beam)
And the AFTER: (with the pot filler in..Joel just needs to hook up the water line)
We let it dry for about 24 hrs. and then Joel applied 1 coat of sealant. He'll probably do another coat tonight.
Look at that face. So proud of himself. Me too buddy..me too.
Ok now onto the random shots. Here is a pic of the original curtains that came with the house. I would cringe anytime I would look at them. Ok not really...maybe I just barfed a lot when looking at them. ;)
Ugly yellow, heavy, depressing curtains on a horrible track. So tacky!
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!!! Nice WHITE sheer curtains & cotton curtains (that look like linen) on a double black curtain rod closer to the ceiling. The sheers let in soooo much more light & the cotton ones add the texture & extra privacy that I want.
Look how much taller my ceiling looks, and how my wider the window feels.
I had bought some fabric and the plan was to sew some curtains..which is kind of silly because I can't sew. Joel can sew. He won some award when he was in middle school I think. That dude has not only manly skills but WAY more women skills than I do (I'm going to get in trouble for saying that aren't I?)Anyway...Joel has kinda been super busy with all our other renovations that he does NOT have time to sew curtains. So I found these beauties at Ikea...believe it or not. And I could not be happier, because they are exactly what I was wanting and I didn't have to spend mountains of gold.
And I finally stained the doors. Yes ME...I do help out a lot in the background..although Joel does most of the big stuff. I used a mixture of steel wool & vinegar. Once it had set for about a month (not on purpose) I had to dilute it 1 to 1 with more vinegar to make a weaker mixture. And the stain turned out beautifully. For those who don't know, it makes a chemical reaction with the wood..basically ages it to give that ashy aged feel.
This pic shows from left to right - original, plain hemlock, stained hemlock.
Finished product with the new hinges and door knobs. What do you think? Amy for the win?!?
That's it for now.
Matthew 7:7-8
Ask, and it will be given to you. Seek, and you will find. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and he who seeks, finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.