Soooooo.....I'm bloggin. Yep. It happened. I need a blog name. What makes me happy? Lots of things. Um...Oh...TEA! MMMM...yummy hot earl grey tea with LOTS of cream & sugar and maybe a splash of vanilla. Oh it warms the soul (and keeps this Mama going strong). Hmm...what else? If any of you know me well...the one major thing other than my crazy time fam that makes me happy is THE SUN!! So bada bing... teapartiesinjune is born. Get it? Got it? Good!
There are a lot of firsts happening in my little fam right now so I needed an outlet to write it all down and obviously a place to post all my pics. So BOOM..blogland it is.
1. WE BOUGHT A HOUSE!!!!!!!!
(a million firsts are happening with this place...stay tuned)
2. My little Jake mancub turned ONE!!!!!

Poor little dude was pretty sick that day, so we had a chill b-day party. Here's the yummy icecream cake that he couldn't eat b/c he's allergic to soo many things. This one was for everyone else and I made rice krispy treats for him.  |
(this is my favorite pic of us together so far)
3. My Malakai monkey man went to AWANA!!!!

(Showing off cubby bear) The fact that he's learning bible verses just warms my heart. ;)
4. I STARTED THIS BLOG!!!! (ok it maybe does not deserve that many exclamation points..scratch out 3)
So those are the major things going on right now. We are in a mad rush to renovate our slightly ghetto looking house and get it ready so that we can move in. We are currently staying at my wonderful in-laws while our house gets molded into rustic/industrial loveliness. I'll be uploading pics of the progress soon.
The this beginning of beginnings. (p.s. write and tell me how lame my very FIRST blog post is. ;)